Funny life mottos fit for a king

The heraldry of nature or, instructions for the King at Arms: comprising, the arms, supporters, crests, and mottos, both in Latin and English

A satirical book thusly titled, was published in London in 1785. You probably have to be British and live 200 years ago to fully appreciate it. The books\ seems to mock heraldry and contains the arms of known people of the time, comically transfigured. The sensibilities of the innocent were protected by only using their initials. Some mottos used in the book are quite whimsical, although many are taken from classical and prior authors. In these cases, the original quotes may have been quite innocent, but when taken our of context they become funny. For example, Ite domom saturae (Go home, sated) is a phrase directred by a goatherd to his goats.

Si recte facias, rex eris - If you do it right, you will become a king.

Strenua nos exercet inertia - Busy idleness urges us on.

Neque tangunt levia - Little things don't move me.

Nec juvenes intactos patitur avaritia - Avarice does not leave untouch even the young ones.

Populus me sibilat - Everybody hisses at me.

Sopor occupat artus - Slumber seized my limbs.

Tacere tutum est - It is safe to be silent.

Nil admirari - To be surprised at nothing.

Quo senior, eo immortalitati propinquior - The older, the closer to eternity.

Utinam - Would it had been!

Quod dixi, dixi - I said what I said

Non diu morabor - I shall not linger long.

Vix audeo sperare - I hardly dare to hope.

Adigis me, pater, ad insaniam - Father, you make me insane.

Semper avarus eget - The miser is ever poor.

Ite domum saturae - Go home sated.

Divorum atque hominum contemptor - Scorning gods and people alike.

Jucundus naribus ipsis - Handsome in his very nostrils.

Strepitum odi - I hate loud noises.

See also Latin love quotes, Bible verses in Latin

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  • #mottos